On Tuesday, June 12th 2018, we welcomed our first group of GT 22 iGniTe summer first-years! Approximately 300 students will live in Folk, Caldwell, and Hefner residence halls this summer. The day would’ve been hectic had it not been for the help of our Peer Leaders, Summer Session Interns, and others from Housing and Summer Session Initiatives. Those at the Summer Session table handed out welcome bags for the students as they checked in, including a water bottle, their common read book, and a t-shirt!
“It was amazing being able to meet the new students!”, says Amara Anderson, a Summer Session Intern working with the Innovation track. “They all had smiles on their faces and seems eager to start their careers at Georgia Tech. The parents were very friendly as well!”.
After move-in, the rest of the week is packed for IGniTe students; Wednesday and Thursday was Summer First-Year FASET, where they learned more about Georgia Tech and registered for courses. The weekend included tailored events for each of the six iGniTe tracks, including the Innovation and Leadership tracks’ activity at the Leadership Challenge Course and the Architecture track’s trip to the High Museum of Art. iGniTe students begin classes on Wednesday, June 20th, giving them a little over a week to adjust to their new lives before officially beginning their journey at Georgia Tech. Summer Session welcomes all iGniTe students, and hopes for them to have the time of their lives. Welcome, Class of 2022!