Effort on the Leaders in Progress and Service Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) began in academic year 2022–2023, when the QEP Topic Selection Committee, charged by the provost, recommended the topic based on data culled from the recently concluded strategic planning effort and input from a comprehensive campus engagement campaign. From fall 2023 to the present, QEP leadership developed the plan in collaboration with the QEP Development and Planning Committee while soliciting input, feedback, and support from many campus and community partners. Our QEP outreach campaign has revealed a broad-based commitment to the purpose and design of the QEP, and a sense of energy around its potential to advance the aspirations of the Institute’s mission and motto.


  • September: Provost McLaughlin charged the Topic Selection Committee
  • November/December: QEP Topic Selection Committee chairs facilitated listening sessions with school chairs


  • January/February: QEP Topic Selection Committee collected 47 topic suggestions from the campus community that aligned with the 2020-2030 Institute Strategic Plan
  • February/March: QEP Topic Selection Committee reviewed submissions and selected three topics as finalists
  • March: QEP Topic Selection Committee shared topic finalists with the campus and collected nearly 200 pieces of feedback from faculty, staff, and students
  • May: QEP Topic Selection Committee submitted the QEP topic recommendation to Provost
  • May: Provost approved the topic “Leadership in Progress and Service"
  • June: QEP topic announced to the campus community
  • Summer: QEP Development and Planning Committee (QEP DPC) formed
  • Fall: QEP DPC served as search committee for QEP Faculty Director


  • January: Faculty Co-Directors Slieper and Williams joined the QEP team
  • February/March: QEP Development and Planning Committee developed learning outcomes, experiential learning criteria, and credential design proposal
  • March/April: Campus outreach to share the QEP design with college leaders, faculty senate executive board, student government, employers, experiential learning programs, and other constituents totaling 28 meetings with nearly 500 participants
  • May: First QEP draft submitted to QEP Development and Planning Committee for feedback
  • June: Engaged 75 faculty and staff in Faculty Design Charettes and Experiential Learning Program Summits to collaboratively envision the foundation course and immersive learning components
  • Fall: Tested rubrics on student artifacts gathered from collaborating courses and experiential learning programs
  • Fall: QEP Report revised and submitted for executive review


  • April 7 – 11: SACSCOC Reaffirmation of Accreditation site visit
  • December: SACSCOC provides final reaffirmation decision

More on the timeline:   

Visit Georgia Tech’s Office of Academic Effectiveness to see the 2022-2025 SACSCOC reaffirmation timeline.