Sophia Abedi is a 2nd Year, Computer Science Major
Sophia is involved in GT Mock Trial, Society of Women in Business, the iGniTe Advisory Board, First-Year Leadership Organization, and SMILE. She is from Alpharetta, GA.

While summer brings a welcome break from the rigors of academics for most students, enrolling in summer courses can also be a great option for improving your college experience. One student, Sophia Abedi, a 2nd-year Computer Science major, began her Georgia Tech career as a summer 2020 iGniTe student and couldn't recommend it enough.
How did you hear about the Summer iGniTe program?
I heard about the Summer iGniTe program through my visit to Georgia Tech when I was accepted in January 2020. When I visited campus for Gold Carpet Day it was there that I got to speak to the iGniTe advisory board members to learn about the iGniTe program. It was great to learn about the program and after my visit, I signed up to do iGniTe in the summer to start my freshman year!!
How was the transition to all online courses?
The transition to an all-online format was relatively comfortable for me since I had already become adjusted to online school during the end of my Senior year. iGniTe also helped me get better adjusted to using the various platforms for classes such as BlueJeans and Canvas.
How did you feel about the pace of classes during the summer?
I enjoyed the pace of classes during the summer, I felt that our teachers were patient and ready to help us at any time. The class load felt very manageable, and our teachers also made sure to check in with us regularly to see how we were doing.
Were you able to build “community” online with your classmates?
Yes, it was great to be able to meet friends and create a community within my classes. I think the way that a “community” was best able to be formed was through working on projects in groups as well as creating study groups with other students.
What did you do in your free time?
In my free time, I spent a lot of time outside going for daily walks and would paint outside. I also would come to visit Georgia Tech and explore Atlanta!!
What was the best thing about iGniTe?
The best thing about iGniTe was getting the opportunity to get ahead in my courses and getting to make friends in the summer before coming to campus!
What advice would you give to students in iGniTe, or anyone taking courses this summer?
Make sure to create a schedule that you will be able to stay organized and keep you motivated. It is also really important to make sure you balance your time with school and taking care of your well-being.
Are you going back to campus this fall? If so, are you looking forward to it?
Yes! I am very excited to be able to be on campus in the fall. I was fully remote this past year so I am really excited to get on campus!
Do you feel GT is taking appropriate steps for safety for a Fall return?
I think that GT is taking appropriate steps in terms of safety for a Fall return. I think that ensuring everyone wears their masks and maintains social distancing will ensure everyone feels comfortable for in-person classes.
Anything else you’d like to add?
iGniTe truly was a great transition to entering Georgia Tech and I am very grateful to have done it because it prepared me for fall and spring semester courses. It was such a great way to get to know others in my incoming class and get adjusted to the coursework at GT.
Interested in taking classes this Summer?
It’s not too late to enroll! Registration closes this Friday, May 21. Choose from many options to get ahead, stay on track, or explore something new. See live, up-to-date delivery mode and course information directly in OSCAR. To submit questions, visit Check the FAQ page for information about tuition and fees, key dates and deadlines, and more.
Summer Session Initiatives is a part of the Office of Undergraduate Education (OUE). Learn more about OUE by following @gtoue on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter and visit our website at