Monica Jackson Receiving the Embracing All Voices Award

Join us in congratulating Monica Jackson for receiving the Embracing All Voices Award at the Faculty and Staff Honors Luncheon on April 26. The Faculty and Staff Honors Luncheon acknowledges faculty and staff whose service, activities, and accomplishments have been noteworthy over the past year.  

As an Employer Connections Coordinator in the Career Center, Monica has made tremendous strides building a network of woman-owned and inclusive workplaces to support students in their pathway to meaningful work.  

By leading a group of students called AuthenTECH Peers, which is designed to engage a proactive outreach to target marginalized student populations, she has amplified the needs and distinctive challenges of underserved communities. 

This semester, she took on a prominent leadership role in the planning and execution of the Career Center's Diversity First Career Mixer and Women in the Workplace Career Mixer. The Career Mixers allow employers to network with students in a more relaxed setting versus a traditional career fair. The Diversity First Career Mixer hosted 30 employers with 174 students in attendance and the Women in the Workplace Career Mixer hosted 20 employers with over 100 students in attendance.  

Congratulations, Monica, on an outstanding achievement! We are proud of your dedication to developing inclusive career-centered programming for our students. 
