Four recent Georgia Tech graduates were selected as Fulbright recipients for the 2022-23 academic year. The Fulbright U.S. Student Program provides grants for graduate study, individually designed research projects, or for English teaching assistant programs. Candidates submit an application defining activities to take place during one academic year in a participating country outside the U.S.
Congratulations to this year’s Fulbright recipients:
Freyja Brandel-Tanis is a 2022 dual master’s degree student in city and regional planning and civil engineering. She will conduct research at NTNU Trondheim in Norway on the role of digital twins for sustainable transportation decision-making through focus groups she will conduct with stakeholders.
Teresa Flynn graduated in May with a bachelor’s degree in international affairs and modern languages and a minor in international business, language, and culture. During a study abroad semester, she has grown passionate about citizen diplomacy and the power that it holds in connecting people, societies, and cultures. As an English teaching assistant in South Korea, she will expand her connections to include not only colleagues and peers, but also the children and teachers she will encounter on a daily basis. She believes that being an English language teacher will allow her to gain the skills to reach larger Korean audiences and help increase mutual understanding between our two countries.
Jon Saad-Falcon graduated in May with a master’s degree in computer science. He will be conducting research in the machine learning subfield of biomedical natural language processing at Humboldt-Universität in Berlin under the guidance of Professor Ulf Leser. He intends to improve the accuracy of existing biomedical machine learning models that perform diagnoses and sort medical documents, thus helping medical professionals improve hospital efficiency and standards of care.
Emma Sweigart graduated in May with a bachelor’s degree in literature, media, and communication and a minor in French. She is eager to begin her placement as an English teaching assistant in Senegal, a country where she studied abroad for one semester. The program will allow her to combine her skills as an English teacher with her passion for social justice. In the classroom, she aims to provide her students with inclusive, engaging experiences and invite them into ongoing cultural conversations as lifelong English language learners.
I am excited for all of our Fulbright recipients this year and look forward to hearing about the remarkable experiences they will have while living and working abroad as Fulbright fellows,” said Karen Mura, prestigious fellowships advisor in the Office of Undergraduate Education. “I am confident that our award recipients will embrace their new roles as cultural ambassadors and global representatives of Georgia Tech with curiosity, compassion, and integrity.
Fulbright applications are open for 2023-24. The Fulbright national deadline is Oct. 11, 2022. Any current seniors or alumni who are interested in completing a Fulbright application should email Mura at karen.mura@gatech.edu.