Career Fair

The Fall All-Majors Career Fair, which was held in the Campus Recreation Center on September 11-12, saw an all-time record number of student visits. Over 8,100 students attended this semester’s fair, a 20% increase in attendance from Fall 2022. The students at the fair had the opportunity to network with recruiters representing 321 different companies.

The fall Career Fair is the largest Career Fair on Georgia Tech's campus and companies attending the fair hire co-ops, interns, and full-time positions, with students from all majors and degree types.

The Career Center also asked attendees to complete a post-Career Fair survey about their experiences. Some key findings:

  • 99% of respondents felt prepared to attend the fair
  • 89% of respondents would recommend the fair to another student
  • 32% of respondents received at least one interview as the result of the fair

A post-fair survey was also sent to recruiters. Findings from this survey include:

  • 90% of recruiters anticipate extending offers to students from the fair
  • 98% were likely or very likely to recommend the fair to colleagues
  • 73% of companies had attended the All-Majors Career Fair in the past

